How to submit an article

If you have written a relevant article or review and you would like us to publish it, simply follow the steps below. If you expect only to be a one-time contributor you can, instead, send your article to us via email and we can publish it on your behalf. However, we encourage all contributors to follow the steps below so that they can easily submit articles and be directly credited as the deserving author of the article.

1. Read and follow our guidelines for authors
Although your article is probably already incredible, just go through this quick checklist to make sure we can publish your work as soon as possible.

2. If you haven’t got one already, create a free account.
WordPress is the platform we use to write and host this blog. It’s a great tool for our contributors to submit and manage their articles. If you don’t already have an account with them go to and create one.

3. Tell us about your article
Use our contact us page to tell us who you are, your wordpress username and give us a brief overview of your article. From this we can send you an invite plus any other necessary information.

4. Accept our invitation to become a contributor
You should get an email back from us once we have read your message. Please give us at least a week to respond to this though as we are very often in the field ourselves, with no internet. The instructions will be included in the invite email, but it usually just involves clicking a link while signed in to WordPress.

5. Login to your WordPress account and make sure is selected as your current blog
If you have a blog of your own with WordPress you will need to make ours is the active blog before you submit an article. If you’re using a computer this option should be at the top left of your main wordpress page, if you are using the mobile app this option should be at the top of the home screen.

6. Click blog pages, then ‘add new post’
From here you can write an article from scratch or you can copy and paste your article from your word processor, then format it as you like. When you are finished simply…

7. Submit your article for review
Once we have received your article, we will give it a quick check over to make sure everything is in order, then we will publish it according to our post schedule. This may mean that your article is not necessarily the next one to come out, but it will definitely be in the pipeline. You should get a confirmation email that tells you the planned date of publication.

And that’s it. That’s all you have to do to get an article published on our site. If you have any questions or comments, please send them over to us by the contact us page, or you can use the comment box below.


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